Sunday, July 25, 2010

Flag Ready for Delivery

The flag for the murdered, missing, and abused/enslaved women along the Mexican border is ready for delivery. Anyone who can help me in translating this message to these women's groups please let me and them know that I am ready to deliver the flag to them.


Unknown said...

It is so good to know that someone cares so deeply about the murdered and abused women and children of the world. This flag is a real tribute, prayer, and message. I add my prayers to others' that these people are protected.

Juarez2008 said...

From Anne: Mother of Women who are hurt and who are forgotten. Who give life and have their own taken.
Forgive our indifference and blindness. Restore us all into one people, giving life, giving love.

Juarez2008 said...

From Kat on 9/12/10:
Dear God,
Bless the women of Juarez who have perished. Please be with their families and friends in their time of need. Please be with the women who are missing and abused - keep them strong. Allow them to feel your love and know that you are with them. Deliver them back to their homes.
Dear God - please allow this prayer to fly like the wind and rest on the shoulders of all the women of Juarez, their families and friends so that they may know we (you and I) surround them with love.